
Monday, April 6, 2015

Creating an Ec2 instance for mediawiki installation

After creating the db instance for the mediawiki installation next we need to install and configure an EC2 instance for creating the webservers for our installation.

For our installation we are going to create an Ec2 instance and install the apache webservers along with php and mysql.so in order to connect to mysql rds we created initially. After that you don't need to create another instance and again repeat all the steps again. We are going to create an AMI of that instance and launch the instances from autoscaling group thus reducing our work overhead.

Follow the steps for building a ec2 instance for mediawiki installation.

1. Click Ec2 From the dashboard and under Ec2 dashboard select "launch Instance".
Launching Ec2 instance for mediawiki

2. We are going to install the RHEL7 for our installation. Select the appropriate ami
selecting rhel ami for mediawiki installation

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Launching an Ec2 instance in Amazon AWS

The Ec2 instances are the actual Unix operating systems that you would be running in your environment. Amazon AWS provides you with flexibility with customizing the instances according to your need from selecting the instance types to the images so you always not need to start from scratch and load the Unix systems from starting and instead you can create the images and boot them directly which would be exact replica that you created initially or might be you consider using the community images as well.

Follow the steps to create an Ec2 instance under the Default VPC

1. Select the Ec2 from the Dashboard and select launch an EC2 instance.

Attaching a Network Interface from one Ec2 instance to another in AWS

It is possible to detach a Network Instance from one Ec2 instance and attach it to another Ec2 instance. This provides you flexibility to scale up the instance or you may even assign multiple ips to an instance and later update those to more machines in future. Depending on your needs you can leverage the advantage of this in your infrastructure.

For our consideration , we launched an Ec2 instance in a vpc without any Public IP Address. So we are going to detach the Network Interface and attach it to this Instance. This would inturn assign the elastic ip address to this new instance.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Assigning Multiple Network Interfaces to an EC2 instance

In our example we have created the instance with a public ip taken from the Amazon pool of ips at the time of the creation of the instance. We are going to attach a 2nd NIC card to our instance and an elastic ip address to the running instance. Final confirmation would be when we are able to connect to the same instance from the multiple public ip address.

1.Select EC2 in your dashboard and click on the Network interfaces.

2.Select “Create Network Interface” from the top.

Understanding Network Interface in AWS , usage and Advantages

Just like your normal virtual machines you need to attach an network interface card to your ec2 instances in AWS for making them available on internet. It also gives you flexibility to attach more than one NIC card to your instance. Depending on the kind of instance you running you can add network interface card to them.  Like you can attach upto 3 network interface card as of now to your micro instance in AWS.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Creating a VPC under Amazon AWS

1. Creating  a VPC for the for the content management (Wikimedia) which can be used for the launching the of the Webservers as well as DB servers. Click on the VPC in the Dashboard and click the Create VPC.

2. Next you need to Tag your VPC and specify the CIDR (Classless-Inter Domain Routing) block range and Tenancy(default runs on shared hardware) there are also some limitations of dedicated Tenancy as EBS volumes will not run on single-tenant hardware.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Configuring High Availaibility RDS in AWS

 1. Click on the RDS on your AWS Console

2. Next go to subnet Groups under RDS Dashboard

3. You Will need to create the DB Subnet group which would be used by RDS to launch the DB instances in AWS