
Monday, January 30, 2017

Auto AMI Backup of Ec2 instance

 #Script Details  
 #Script to create AMI of server on (based on cron timeperiod) and deleting AMI older than 3 days.  
 #Time period can be controlled by the cron like Daily AMI Creation, every 3 days or weekly AMI Creation  
 #The Retaining time for the AMI is 3days by default , however this can be customized on your requirement.  
 #Deletion on AMI removes the associated snapshots  
 #You need to pass the instance ID along as the arguments to the script  
 #Credentials are fetched from the config file of the user  
 #Uses the Sns configuration for sending the AMI Status  
 #Instance Name is determined from the tag Name assigned to the instance  
 #If Name tag is not found than script would exist with error message mail.  
 #AMI Backup name would be having Instancename following by date in the YYYYMMDD format.  
 #The backed up AMI would be having additional tags to identify the necessary information as follows  
 #The instance ID from which this AutoAMI was created  
 #The date tag on which this AutoAMI was created  

 DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`  
 From="[email protected] "  
 To="[email protected]"  
 echo -e "----------------------------------\n  `date`  \n----------------------------------" > $mail_body  
 for instance_id in ${instance_list//,/ }; do  
 #Get the instance name from the instance id.  
 instance_name=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $instance_id --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value[]]' --output text)  
 if [[ $instance_name == "" ]] ; then  
 echo -e "Instance-ID ($instance_id) scheduled for auto AMI creation doesn't exist. Please check." | /bin/mail -A ses -s "$instance_id scheduled for AMI doesn't exist" -r $From $To  
 #Create the AMI name.  
 ami_name=$(echo "$instance_name-$DATE")  
 #To create AMI from the instance  
 ami_id=$(aws ec2 create-image --instance-id "$instance_id" --name "$ami_name" --description "Auto AMI from $instance_name ($instance_id)" --no-reboot --output text)  
 #Tag the AMI.  
 aws ec2 create-tags --resources $ami_id --tags Key=Instance_id,Value=$instance_id Key=Date,Value=$DATE  
 if [[ $ami_id != "" ]];then  
 echo -e "$ami_id ($ami_name) created successfully from $instance_name ($instance_id).\n" >> $mail_body  
 echo -e "AMI creation failed from $instance_name ($instance_id). Please check.\n" >> $mail_body  
 #############Auto Delete 3 days old AMI.#############  
 DATE_d=`date +%Y%m%d --date '3 days ago'`  
 ami_name_d=$(echo "$instance_name-$DATE_d")  
 #Find the AMI need to be Deregister.  
 ami_id_d=$(aws ec2 describe-images --filters Name=name,Values=$ami_name_d Name=tag-key,Values=Instance_id Name=tag-value,Values=$instance_id --query 'Images[*].{ID:ImageId}' --output text)  
 if [[ $ami_id_d != "" ]]; then  
 #Find the snapshots attached to the AMI need to be Deregister.  
 aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids $ami_id_d --query 'Images[].BlockDeviceMappings[].Ebs.SnapshotId' --output text > /tmp/snap.txt  
 #Deregistering the AMI  
 aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id $ami_id_d  
 #Deleting snapshots attached to AMI  
 for i in `cat /tmp/snap.txt`;do aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $i ; done  
 echo -e "$ami_id_d deleted with attached snapshot `cat /tmp/snap.txt`\n" >> $mail_body  
 cat $mail_body | /bin/mail -A ses -s "Auto backup report `date +%d%b%y`" -r $From $To  


Add a crontab entry on the server having the AWS Access and Secret key installed
 # crontab -e

 # Auto AMI creation & Deletion
 # Every 3rd day at 10pm # Test-Server(i-ejhc4dfer45), Test-Server2(i-ejhc4dfer58)

0 22 */3 * * /opt/aws_automation/autoamibackup.sh i-ejhc4dfer45,i-ejhc4dfer58


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