Monitoring the RDS Instances is necessary for detecting the issues, AWS RDS provides outbox metrices i.e. system level metrices. But there are occassions when you want to monitor things like blocked connections, advance queue etc. So you can use the below cloudwatch plugin to monitor anything in RDS based on custom query.
The plugin works on logic that the query which is executed on RDS does not provide any error message than the count would be 0 which means ok and if something is wrong than an error message would be prevented whose count would be not 0 which means alarm.
Than if you are using the sharding than you would need to execute the same query on all your shard databases. The below script can run on 1 database or number of database in case of sharding.
Also in case the output is non-zero than the query output would directly be appended onto the email body and email would be sent to the DBA , Devops group so they can identify whats the problem on the RDS end.
This forms the executable part of the script. We need to pass the arguments configuration file so that all the variables used in this script are there. The configuration file is different so that in case anything changes in future it would only needs to be modified in the configuration file and your executable file remains the same.
The plugin works on logic that the query which is executed on RDS does not provide any error message than the count would be 0 which means ok and if something is wrong than an error message would be prevented whose count would be not 0 which means alarm.
Than if you are using the sharding than you would need to execute the same query on all your shard databases. The below script can run on 1 database or number of database in case of sharding.
Also in case the output is non-zero than the query output would directly be appended onto the email body and email would be sent to the DBA , Devops group so they can identify whats the problem on the RDS end.
# Include system variables
# Creating the alarms through oracle user
. /home/oracle/.bash_profile
#Setting the AWS Configuration
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/opt/cloudwatch_plugin/aws-config
export MONITORING_HOME=/opt/cloudwatch_plugin
export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/local/bin
# Get Instance ID
instanceId=`wget -q -O -`
# Source Proxy Configuration
#### Sourcing of the proxy to connect to internet to create alarms
source $MONITORING_HOME/etc/proxy.conf;
###Configuration File is passed as an Argument
source $MONITORING_HOME/etc/$1;
# get length of an array
let "arylngth=arraylength/2"
#echo "Length of array: $arylngth"
function usage {
echo "AWS Cloud Watch Process Monitoring Script"
echo "All parameters like Metric Name and Service name to be defined in aws-ec2_rds_mon.conf"
echo "Usage:"
echo "$0 <configfile.cfg>"
echo "Example:"
echo "$0 configfile.cfg"
# check if namespace-name parameter is passed
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "There's some error in parameters, follow instructions"
# Exit with status ERROR
exit 1
###Setting the Initial Counter to 0
###Itterating a loop to execute queries on multiple databases
for ((i=1;i<=${arylngth};i++)) do
counter=`expr $counter + 1`
if [ $counter -gt 7 ]
###Executing the SQL on the RDS
`/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/client_1/bin/sqlplus -s $username/$password@$hostname @/opt/cloudwatch_plugin/etc/${proc_matrix[$i,2]} > /tmp/${proc_matrix[$i,2]}_$hostname.txt 2>&1 `
###Counting the Query count
count=`cat /tmp/${proc_matrix[$i,2]}_$hostname.txt | grep -v Release| grep -v Copyright | grep -v Successful | grep -v Connected | grep -v Enterprise | grep -v Partitioning | grep -v Disconnected| grep -v OLAP | grep -v no | grep '[^[:blank:]]' | wc -l`
###Comparing the Query to 0 where 0 means ok and anything other than 0 is alarm
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --namespace "$namespace" --metric-name "${proc_matrix[$i,1]}" --dimension "DBInstanceIdentifier=${db_connection[$counter,1]}" --value "$count" --unit "Count"
#Exporting Proxy
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --namespace "$namespace" --metric-name "${proc_matrix[$i,1]}" --dimension "DBInstanceIdentifier=${db_connection[$counter,1]}" --value "$count" --unit "Count"
cat /tmp/${proc_matrix[$i,2]}_$hostname.txt | /bin/mail -A ses -s "${db_connection[$j,1]} - ${alert_matrix[$i,1]} " [email protected] , [email protected]
###Number of databases on which this query needs to be executed
for j in {1..7}
rds_connection ${db_matrix[$j,1]} $j
# Exit with OK status
exit 0
This forms the executable part of the script. We need to pass the arguments configuration file so that all the variables used in this script are there. The configuration file is different so that in case anything changes in future it would only needs to be modified in the configuration file and your executable file remains the same.
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