
Friday, September 13, 2024

[Solved] Error : Kaniko build failed ExecaError: Command failed with exit code 100: /kaniko/executor '


When attempting to perform multiple image builds using Kaniko within the same container, we encountered an issue. While the first build executes successfully, subsequent builds fail to start the Kaniko command, resulting in an error message: "ERROR: Process exited immediately after creation."

Error: Kaniko build failed
ExecaError: Command failed with exit code 100: /kaniko/executor


The root cause of this error lies in Kaniko's design, which is primarily intended for single-execution builds rather than multiple builds within the same container. After each execution, Kaniko removes the /workspace directory, which is crucial for subsequent image builds. Additionally, dependencies from previous builds, such as symlinks in the /kaniko/0 directory, can interfere with new build attempts.


To resolve this issue and enable sequential builds in the same Kaniko container, we can implement the following steps:

  1. Create the workspace directory explicitly after each build:
    mkdir -p /workspace
  2. Clean up the Kaniko executor workspace by adding the --cleanup argument to the Kaniko command.
  3. Remove dependencies from the previous build:
    rm -rf /kaniko/*[0-9]*
    rm -rf /kaniko/Dockerfile
Implement these steps after each Kaniko build command. For example:
/kaniko/executor \
-f ./Dockerfile -c . \
--dockerfile Dockerfile \
--destination=<YOUR IMAGE REGISTRY>:tag \
--cleanup && \
rm -rf /kaniko/*[0-9]* && \
rm -rf /kaniko/Dockerfile && \
mkdir -p /workspace

This solution allows for multiple sequential builds within the same Kaniko container by cleaning up residual files and recreating the necessary workspace directory.

While this workaround is effective, it would be beneficial if Kaniko introduced a flag like --reuse-executor=true to prevent the deletion of the /workspace directory after each execution. Additionally, incorporating the removal of /kaniko/0 into the --cleanup flag would streamline the process further.

By implementing this solution, you can successfully perform multiple image builds using Kaniko in the same container without encountering the "Process exited immediately after creation" error.

Tags: #Kaniko #Docker #ContainerBuilds #DevOps #Kubernetes


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